Results from the first AVN Veteran Wellbeing Survey
Australian Veteran News has recently published the initial findings of its 2020 Veteran Wellbeing Survey. One of the key objectives of this survey was to provide Australian Defence Veterans with an opportunity to speak to the broader community about thier wellbeing and what it's like for today's veterans, regardless of when and where they served.
In the video below we speak with Mark Schroffel, Australian Veteran News Editor in Chief about the results from the first AVN Veteran Wellbeing Survey.
In just four weeks, 288 Australian veterans invested their time to provide us with valuable insights into their wellbeing, and the social and economic challenges they face.
Our Veteran Health and Wellbeing Dashboard has been assembled around the seven dimensions of DVA’s Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and National Action Plan 2020-2023 model for wellbeing, namely:
1. Recognition and Respect
2. Health Outcomes
3. Education and Skills
4. Housing and Home Ownership
5. Social Support and Connection
6. Employment Outcomes
7. Income and Financial Outcomes
In many ways, the results of the survey speak for themselves; however, they also call attention to the need to improve engagement within the veteran community. Over the coming weeks and months we will take a closer look at each of the areas and offer insights based on veterans have told us about their wellbeing and their suggestions on might be done to respond to problem areas.
As a final note, we would like to express our gratitude to all those veterans who took the time to take our survey and write to us about their experiences. We will do our best to convey what you have said to those who can help us make a difference.
Click on the link below to view the results of AVN's Veteran Wellbeing Survey