Change of plans: Transition options available for ADF personnel in wake of COVID-19
Defence personnel wanting to remain in the ADF are encouraged to contact their service career manager or transition coach.
Change of plans: Transition options available for ADF personnel in wake of COVID-19
Change of plans: Transition options available for ADF personnel in wake of COVID-19
Defence personnel wanting to remain in the ADF are encouraged to contact their service career manager or transition coach.
Defence personnel wanting to remain in the ADF are encouraged to contact their service career manager or transition coach.
Independent news and opinion for
the Australian veteran community.
Contributor Guidelines
The bulk of Australian Veteran News’ content is provided by our editorial team and regular contributors but we also value the contribution of guest writers.
Contributions can include opinion articles and commentaries (“op-eds”), information-based (including self-help) articles, and essays of a more personal and reflective nature. (The links provide examples of each genre.)
We accept unsolicited contributions both in the form of “pitches” (brief outlines that set out the subject matter of the proposed contribution) or as a completed article sent “on spec” to be considered by AVN editors.
Contributors should be aware of the following conditions, requirements and guidelines:
Contributions are subject to editing prior to publication. Articles may be edited for clarity, grammar, style, tone, accuracy, legal considerations and length.
As a guide, contributions should be 600 to 800 words for op-eds, up to 1200 words for information-based articles and up to 1500 words for essays. (Longer contributions will be considered on their merits; where the subject matter is of interest but the article is judged to be too long for reader tastes they may be rewritten to reduce wordcount; in some cases an article deemed too long but not easily shortened will be returned to the author for rewriting.).
Headlines and subheads provided in contributed articles are subject to change by AVN editors.
Links may be added during the editing process.
Artwork, graphics and/or photographs may be added at the discretion of AVN editors.
Articles should be emailed to us as an attachment (doc or docx file). Please do not send a pdf.
At the bottom of the article you should include a brief biographical description of two-to-three sentences.
Acceptance of an article for review by the AVN editorial team should not be considered as an agreement to publish the article.
We require that contributed articles remain exclusive to our site for five business days, after which time they may be reprinted in part or in full on other sites, with a link back to the original article on the AVN site.
AVN seeks to provide a vibrant platform for diverse voices in the veteran community to encourage the open exchange of views, opinion, information and experiences. Guest contributions accepted for publication are not considered paid commissions.
Contact AVN
Contributions and pitches should be emailed to the editor, Mark Schroffel, at